How to Improve Your Product Videos – Checklist to Review Your Videos

There are innumerable factors when considering product video production, and it is easy to miss any of the many. Below is the ultimate video production checklist, aimed at helping you ensure that you that you are all set to go.

Before diving into the checklist, here is a quick information on how to use this checklist.

You may already know the components of this list. You may have even given deep thought to each of the components at various stages throughout the production process. However, this checklist on product video production serves as your final quality check. This list offers the chance to double-check your work and launch your impressive product video.

Here goes the checklist:

1. Watertight story

The story is the backbone of your video. Therefore, the choices you make in final editing, particularly for live-action videos, can make or break your story. It is crucial that the editing and post-production teams have absolute clarity about the story that you intend to tell.

You can make a list of shots that are indispensable to the storyline and should make it to the final edit. When creating the list, remember, the story is the most important feature. It is better to remove an amazing shot than to let it detract from your story.

2. High-quality sound design

Select or record music and sound effects that function in propelling the story. However, there is a very thin line between doing it right and overdoing it. Remember, audio plays a supporting role in the overall story, not the overshadowing lead.

An interesting statistic points out that 85 percent of Facebook video views are with the sound off. This indicates that while sound effects are great, but the video should be impactful even without them.

3. Brand alignment

You started the product video production with a clear vision of representing a brand, but did you comply with the vision throughout the video? It is time to check if the product video production allows the brand to shine and that nothing is lost amidst the production process. Make it a point to check for the logo, splash screen, and contact information.

At the same time, you must also ensure that you haven’t gone overboard with the branding. The story or message still needs to be the lead.

4. Call-to-action in place

Viewers are more eager than ever to finish watching your video and scroll to the next one on their feed. You have a brilliant product video production; however, at the end of the video, the viewers don’t know what to do with the information they just receive. Check for the placement of a call to action (CTA).

Tell viewers exactly what you want them to do. Buy now, follow us, read more, call today are examples of simple CTAs. Follow this by providing them an easy way to take the necessary action i.e., include your web address or other relevant contact information in the video.

5. Legal

Double and triple-check to ensure that your product video production has met all legal requirements for your video. Have legal releases or contracts signed by anyone featured in the video. Also, make sure that you have evidence to support any claims you make.

Paying special attention to legal matters is all the more important if you are working in a regulated industry, for example, pharmaceuticals or medical devices. These industries have strict guidelines about the claims you can make and the disclaimers you must include.

6. Video quality assessment

Once done with the video, share it with members of your team with a select few end users. Ask them questions to assess the video quality. Can they easily follow the story? Is the video engaging? Is it too long or too short? Does the music complement the voiceover, or detract from it? Does the quality of the sound match the quality of the video? This is your chance to spot and correct issues before your video is widely distributed.

At this stage, ensure that your video is coherent, engaging, of the right duration, and consistent quality.

Use this checklist for every product video production.