Five Esports Marketing Strategies That Will Get You in The Game

The esports world brings together two extremely passionate groups: the sports fanatic and the gamer. You know what that means? Endless marketing potential and many meaningful ways to reach into the hearts of these fans. In fact, esports has become an annual billion-dollar industry with over 300 million frequent occasional viewers. Capitalizing on a piece of this pie requires getting into the game early. Enter the esports agency (, marketing professionals with the expertise and insider know-how to grab, and hold, the interest of the esports fan and gamer alike. As the industry is quickly growing and evolving, keeping up with the latest marketing strategies that can help you to not only get into the game, but also to win the game, is a must. Here are five that are sure to score.

1. Get creative with your content

The esports platform and its community are still new to the world of marketing, leaving a wide window open to create a multitude of varied content. There are no set rules at this point around how to best engage an audience, so in a sense, the esports world is your oyster. One strategy sparking a lot of energy has been to open up the many avenues for user-generated content. Whether it’s a contest, reposting followers’ content, or creating a hashtag for fans and viewers who are posting about event experiences, there are endless possibilities to get an audience excited, engaged, and coming back for more. The best esports agency can help you find ways to maximize these opportunities.

2. Create the vibe with video

Video, especially when released at the right time and reaching the right audience, is still one of the most effective marketing tools, including in the esports arena. In particular, Twitch is shaping the market. Its streamers have the capability to run pre-, mid-, and post-roll video ads at optimal times. The trick is that Twitch streamers must also be Twitch partners to use this option. A good esports agency can help you partner with another twitch partner to leverage the power of these video ads. They can also assist in creating valuable brand partnerships to boost your credibility. This also means greater visibility for the esports team and its players. The bigger the partnering brand, the bigger your opportunities.

3. Up your blogging game

Blogging remains one of the most effective brand and content marketing tools out there, and in esports, it’s no different. An experienced esports agency can assist in creating blog content that hits the optimal audience and keeps them coming back. The key is to post useful information the gaming and fan-based audience will find valuable. Also effective are guest posting in other popular esports hot spots, creating an email newsletter, and gathering a subscribed audience to further promote your brand. When your esports agency helps you create and disseminate the best quality content possible, this window only widens with every single gamer or fan’s like, share, or comment.

4. Get to know your audience

Your experienced esports agency can implement tools and strategies to ensure you understand your audience and earn their trust. This is essential to growing brand visibility, as well as to creating viewer loyalty. The esports audience is a savvy group, and they’ll see right through any gaps in your strategy or content that doesn’t ring true. Part of this strategy is working on the most effective communication between your brand, the esports team, and the audience to attract the most successful partnerships. And remember, the esports audience is extremely diverse, so having the support of the esports agency to understand them can save time and money while quickly upping your marketing game.

5. Tech matters, trust in your esports agency

As vendors race to enter the esports marketing game, competition is fierce. This is when we turn to technology and data, expertly leveraging it to stay ahead of the game. As mentioned above, relying on the esports agency to help you better understand data is essential to understanding, reaching, and connecting with your audience. Even more important, having excellent data and numbers easily available helps convince investors to up any budget when it’s needed. Your esports agency can also guide the way tech-wise when it comes to targeting effective marketing strategies towards vendors who fulfill necessary roles within the gaming world. Some of these roles include security features or faster gameplay, and it can be particularly effective to reach them earlier as they enter the industry rather than after they’ve come into high demand.

Finally, never underestimate the power of authenticity in your esports marketing strategies. Gaming communities are quick to spot poorly sponsored content and badly done promotions. Your esports agency can help you build audience perception and relationships based on quality and trust for optimal connection and effective promotion. Afterall, why get in the game if it’s not going to be some serious fun?