How to Build Your Social Media Marketing Strategy

In today’s world, finding the right social media marketing strategy is key: mostly because no one lives without social media. It is the smartest way to advertise your services and has a great reach to the general public: a great way to find potential customers as well as improve your brand value. China offers the world’s biggest online population; Chinese customers are known for their social media dependence for making day-to-day decisions. If you’re looking for a way to tap into the Chinese market and find a pool of new Chinese customers, social media marketing in China (adstochina.westwin/social-media-marketing-in-china) is the way to go!

Social Media Marketing in China

While a good social media marketing strategy in China falls under the same winning line, there is a significant difference: the social media platforms are way different from the west! They use more sophisticated platforms, like WeChat, Weibo, Youku, Douyin, and Little Red Book. Depending on the target audience and your brand and objectives, other social media platforms can also be considered, but these are definitely the top few. By using social media marketing in China the right way, you can make your brand visible on the right platform, and thereby interact with the right audience and be known in the right circles for the right reasons. Sounds tempting, doesn’t it? Well, let’s take a look at the top 3 platforms and their social media marketing techniques used to successfully reach the right kind of target audience!

Remember! Even if you’ve successfully pulled off social media marketing techniques in other countries, your experience in moot when you bring your business to China. Their ways, platforms, and results are quite different!

WeChat Advertising

Consider WeChat to be the Chinese equivalent of Facebook. This is the most used social media app in China and for good reason. Therefore, it only makes sense that this comes at the top of the list when you’re considering social media marketing in China! WeChat advertising simply allows you to display your ads on a user’s timeline (who is a potential customer) or display a banner ad after a post. One would require an official WeChat account to do this, but keep in mind that it is more than worth it. This increases brand recognition significantly due to the number of users on WeChat. You’ll notice your followers increase as well as drive-in traffic towards your website! One of the more popular types of advertising on WeChat is WeChat Moments!

Now how you go about with your ad is entirely up to you (the options are many). For instance, you can have your brand name with a picture appear on the timeline. You could also have a link to your website or feature a short video to captivate users. Keep in mind that the aim here is to catch the eye of your target audience in a way that other brands don’t: if there’s one thing that Chinese customers like, it’s uniqueness.

Weibo Advertising

Weibo is the second most popular social media platform in China and Twitter is the western equivalent of it. Weibo advertising is widely popular and used by most companies looking for dependable social media marketing in China. It is especially good for brands looking to appeal to a certain demographic. Building the right social media marketing strategy with Weibo is hard to narrow down because the sky’s the limit! There are various options to choose from. For instance, you can advertise your products from famous accounts. Your company’s name could appear when users enter a specific search term on the search engine. There are fan advertising options as well, that are more peppy and modern, but also traditional advertising routes of using a banner. The bottom line is that Weibo gives you the freedom to create your form of social media marketing strategies, in a fun, creative way!

YouKu Advertising

And then, of course, there’s YouKu! This is Chinese YouTube and makes up for 60% of the online video market share in China (that’s a lot!) The good thing about YouKu is that it does not focus solely on targeted marketing- it takes more of a blanket approach by allowing you to reach larger audiences. This is similar to traditional advertising works on TV or in the newspaper. Basically, there are a bunch of ads to choose from and it all depends on your likes. Whether you want to choose a viral video approach or product placement on YouKu-produced content, it’s all your call. Of course, making the decision based on what your brand focuses on and what the potential customer would respond best to is the smartest way to go.